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API documentation

Application Programming Interface

The ground motion database is equipped with a web interface, which is what you are currently viewing, and an application programming interface (API) that exposes the data to HTTP requests. The web interface is useful if you quickly want to look at data in a tabular form, but it is cumbersome if you want to develop an end-to-end workflow. Copying HTML tables is kind of a pain, and it takes time to render those tables. The API exposes the underlying data through HTTP requests, providing the data in JSON format so you can work with it more directly and incoporate it into a workflow.

Users can access the API by authenticating, retrieving an authorization token, and submitting a request that includes that token in the header. The authorization token is required because we want to make sure that we return the information only to people who have an active account, and avoid attacks by unathorized users.

Authentication / Authorization

The first step in using the API is to authenticate and retrieve an authorization token. To authenticate, submit an API request to the following uniform resource locator (URL)

You must use the Basic Auth method to include your username and password with the HTTP request. Programs specifically designed for making HTTP requests include curl, postman, and others. In this documentation, we provide examples using the Python requests package. The example below authenticates the user using HTTP Basic Auth and retrieves an authorization token. We suggest never hard-coding your username and password into a script. You might accidentally share the script, and divulge your authentication credentials. We have used the getpass package here to prevent that by requiring users to enter their credentials each time the code is executed. The token is valid for 120 minutes, after which you will need to re-authenticate and retrieve a new token. It is important not to share your token with others.

                    import requests
                    from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
                    import getpass
                    import json

                    username = input('username: ')
                    password = getpass.getpass('password: ')
                    url = ''
                    headers = {"User-Agent":"XY", "Accept":"application/json"}
                    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username,password))
                    token = json.loads(r.text)['token']


Submitting a Request

After retrieving an authorization token, you can now submit a GET request to the desired URL, and the requested data will be returned in JSON format. Two headers must be included in your request. The "Accept":"application/json" header is used to identify that JSON data is being requested. The "Authorization":"Bearer {}".format(token) header contains the authorization token that was provided after successful authentication.
An example request is provided in the Python script below. In this case, the API requests 50 entries from the events table. The URL structure and available query string parameters for customizing the request are discussed in the next section.

                        import pandas as pd
                        import requests
                        import json

                        headers = {"Accept":"application/json","Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)}
                        url = ''
                        r= requests.get(url, headers=headers)
                        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json.loads(r.text))


URL structure

Requests are submitted to a uniform resource locator (URL) that contains the following ingredients:

url = base_url/endpoint?query_string


    The base_url is the webpage containing the API. In this case, it is
    Submitting a request without also specifying an endpoint will produce an error. The endpoint is necessary so we know which query to run to retrieve the data you have requested. The query string is optional, and can be used to customize your queries.


    An endpoint is a location where an API receives requests about a resource. The endpoints correspond to table names converted to pluralized lower camel case with underscores removed. All of the tables except for the user table are accessible. The user table is not accessible for privacy purposes. Furthermore, a flatfile endpoint is also available. The flatfile endpoint combines tables together in a manner similar to the NGA flatfiles. Tables included in the flatfile endpoint are indicated with a checkmark in the table below. The flatfile can be generated either for the response_spectra table or the fourier_spectra table, but not both at the same time because the resulting table would be large and unwieldy.

    table name endpoint table included in flatfile
    aftershock_mainshock aftershockMainshocks
    basin_model basinModels
    basin_site basinSites
    citation citations
    collections collections
    collection_motion collectionMotions
    event events
    event_eqid eventEqids
    event_geometry eventGeometries
    event_type eventTypes
    finite_fault finiteFaults
    finite_fault_kinematic_parameter finiteFaultKinematicParameters
    finite_fault_segment finiteFaultSegments
    fourier_spectra fourierSpectra (✔)
    intensity_measure intensityMeasures
    motion motions
    network networks
    path paths x
    response_spectra responseSpectra (✔)
    site sites
    site_geometry siteGeometries
    station stations
    station_ssn stationSsns
    time_series_data timeSeriesData
    time_series_metadata timeSeriesMetadata
    version versions
    version_time_series_metadata versionTimeSeriesMetadata
    vs30_citation vs30Citations
    vs30_code vs30Codes
    z_code zCodes


    A query string is a list of parameters used to customize the request. If a query string is not specified, default values will be returned. A list of valid query string parameters and their default values is below. The flatfile endpoint uses different query strings than the table endpoints. See the flatfile section for more details.

    query string options for table endpoints

    query string parameter default description
    limit 20 number of records per page
    sort primary_key field to sort by
    direction asc sort direction (asc or desc)
    page 1 page number
    role user Only used for API. Dropdown used to set role for website.
    components psa_rotd50, or eas see response_spectra and fourier_spectra section
    [field name] - Used to filter fields (e.g., ?pga_rotd50>0.1

    First query string parameter

    The first query string parameter comes after a question mark (?) at the end of the url. For example:

    Second and subsequent query string parameters

    The 2nd and subsequent query string parameters are separated by an ampersand (&). For example:

    Filtering data using field names

    Each field name query string parameter has three parts: field_name, delimiter, value. Valid delimiters include the following: [<, >, =, <=, >=]. For example ?pga_rotd50>0.1 will return entries that have peak acceleration for the RotD50 component greater than 0.1. You can include as many field names as you want. For example, ?pga_rotd50>0.1&pga_rotd50<0.2 will return all PGA values for the RotD50 component greater than 0.1 and less than 0.2. You can also include strings and datetime fields. For example>h will return fields with event name beginning with the letter "H" or higher in the alphabet. Furthermore,>01/01/1990 will return events that occurred after January 1, 1990.

response_spectra and fourier_spectra tables

The response_spectra and fourier_spectra tables are handled differently from the others. Each response_spectra and fourier_spectra entry has its own primary key. For example, an entry from the response_spectra table has the following fields: response_spectra_id, period, psa_rotd0, psa_rotd50, psa_rotd100, psa_h1, psa_h2, psa_v. We believe that users are more interested in reviewing all of the response spectra ordinates for a single time series rather than viewing each value one at a time. We therefore have "flattened" the view such that each row corresponds to a motion, as represented by the time_series_metadata_id key.


These tables can be sorted by column heading. For example, ?sort=psa_rotd50_0p01 will sort the returned values by the spectral acceleration at a period of 0.01 s for the RotD50 component. We have replaced the decimal point "." with period "p" because the period has different meaning in URLs.


The tables can be filtered by column heading. For example, ?psa_rotd50_0p01>0.2 will return spectral acceleration at a natural period of 0.01 seconds with values higher than 0.2.


Valid components for these tables are provided in the table below. The response_spectra and fourier_spectra tables contain specific periods / frequencies. You do not need to enter precisely one of those periods / frequencies in the sort command. The nearest available period / frequency will be selected. You may select as many different components as you'd like in these endpoints, though keep in mind that the amount of data will increase significantly if you include multiple components, and there is a chance that your request will exceed the server limit.

table components default
response_spectra psa_rotd0, psa_rotd50, psa_rotd100, psa_h1, psa_h2, psa_v rotd50
fourier_spectra eas, fas_h1, fas_h2 eas

flatfile endpoint

The database is organized into many different tables to ensure data integrity, but users often want to query data from multiple tables together. For example, users might want to retrieve all event, site, and ground motion data together in the same table. The flatfile endpoint provides the logic to join together tables that we believe will serve the needs of most users. Specifically, the following tables are queried and presented in a "flattened" form via the flatfile endpoint. By default, the fourier_spectra table is not queried, but can be included by specifying query string parameters as indicated below.

Tables included in flatfile endpoint query


Query string parameters for the flatfile table are a bit more complicated than for the individual tables. A list of available query string parameters and their default values is indicated below. Desired components are specified separately for the intensity_measure, response_spectra, and fourier_spectra tables. It might be cumbersome to specify these separately, but it is not straightforward to infer user intent from a single set of components. For example, if we used a single "components" query string parameter, and a user specified "h1", we would not know if they want fourier_spectra or response_spectra. For clarify, we have separated them, at the expense of longer query strings. Users might not want to return all of the fields in the flatfile. For example, if a user specifies "?fields=psa_rotd50_0p10", they will retrieve only the RotD50 spectral accelerations at T=0.1s. However, we include primary keys from each table because it would otherwise be very difficult to make sense of the resulting table.

query string options for flatfile endpoint

query string parameter default description
limit 20 number of records per page
sort primary_key field to sort by
direction asc sort direction (asc or desc)
page 1 page number
role user Only used for API. Dropdown used to set role for website.
intensity_measure_components h1, h2, v, rotd0, rotd50, rotd100 rotd50
response_spectra_components psa_h1, psa_h2, psa_v, psa_rotd0, psa_rotd50, psa_rotd100 psa_rotd50
fourier_spectra_components fas_h1, fas_h2, fas_v, eas none
fields [comma-separated list of field names] all fields from selected tables
[field name] value Used to filter fields (e.g., ?pga_rotd50>0.1

Whether data are included from response_spectra, fourier_spectra, or both is inferred from the provided query string parameters. For example, if you specify response_spectra_components, and fourier_spectra_components in the query string, both will be returned. Furthermore, if you include response_spectra or fourier_spectra quantities in the sort, fields, or [field name] query string parameters, those data will be returned. For example, ?psa_rotd50_0p10>0.1&sort=eas_0p10 will return all of the RotD50 response spectral ordinates, and all of the eas Fourier spectra ordinates (unless the "fields" query string parameter is used to reduce the list of returned fields). If you specify "fields", only those fields will be returned, whereas if "fields" is omitted, all fields in each table will be returned.

Example Queries

example 1

Below are a few example queries that show how to specify endpoints and query string parameters. This is not an exhaustive list, but just a few examples.

example 2

Query 20 events sorted in descending order by magnitude:

example 3

Query 20 results for the rotd50 response_spectra component sorted in descending order by spectral acceleration at 0.1 second period:

example 4

Query results 40-60 (i.e., the 3rd page with limit=20) for the RotD50 and h1 response_spectra components sorted in descending order by RotD50 spectral acceleration at 0.1 second period:,h1&page=3

example 5

Query results 40-60 for the RotD50 response_spectra components sorted in descending order by RotD50 spectral acceleration at 0.1 second period for values with Rotd50 spectral acceleration at 0.01s less than 0.1g.>0.1&page=3

We don't know why anyone would want to limit and sort by spectral acceleration at different natural periods, but we're not judgy. This is just demonstrating how to use the query string fields.

example 6

Query response_spectra flatfile for the RotD50 components sorted in descending order by RotD50 spectral acceleration at 0.1 second period.

We don't know why anyone would want to limit and sort by spectral acceleration at different natural periods, but we're not judgy. This is just demonstrating how to use the query string fields.

Possible Problems

The database is pretty complicated and there may be bugs in the code. If so, please contact us. Here is a list of a few things to watch out for.

Requesting huge amounts of data

There is a limit to the amount of data that can be returned by the server. You will receive an error message if you request an amount of data that exceeds the limit. In that case, you will need to retrieve the data in batches using the "page" query string parameter.


When users register for an account, they are assigned a "user" role. Additional roles are reserved for administrators and model developers. The user role has restricted access to the following tables: [motions, time_series_metadata, intensity_measures, response_spectra, fourier_spectra], and full access to all other tables. This is because the database team needs to perform QA / QC on the motions before making them publicly available, which is handled through the public_motion field in the motions table.

Floats and =

Using an equal sign to filter float-valued fields may return unexpected results due to floating point precision issues. For example, 0.1 might not actually be 0.1000000000, but something like 0.10000000015. You might need to restrict float fields within a narrow range instead. However, there are some exceptions. The database permits storing floats in decimal format, which have a fixed structure. For example, latitudes and longitudes are stored using the SQL float(8,5) format. For those cases, it is OK to use the equal sign. You can find the data types for each field on the schema page.

Filters that return no data

You might get an empty table back if you request data that doesn't exist. For example, asking for events with magnitude larger than 10 is going to fail. Also, doing something like rotd50<0.1&rotd50>0.2 will return no data because it's impossible for a number to be smaller than 0.1 and larger than 0.2.