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The query below returns 500 entries for the default set of tables for sites with VS30 less than 300 m/s.<300

This one returns data from the response_spectra and intensity_measure tables for all motions with pga_rotd50 between 0.1 and 0.2 g.,intensity_measure,time_series_metadata&rotd50_pga=0.1-0.2

Let's say we want to retrieve, a range of spectral periods, fill all null fields with “-999”, and sort the values in descending order of PGA? We would then do this.

flatfile query 3a link,event_type,network,station,site,motion,time_series_metadata,intensity_measure,response_spectra&vs30=0-300&components=rotd50&pga_rotd50=0.1-0.2&period=0.01-5&fill_null=-999&sortby=pga_rotd50&order=DESC

or (since these are the default flatfile tables)

flatfile query 3b link

We could go on and on like this all day because there are so many different possibilities here. I think you get the picture though because that last one was pretty complicated. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about forming these URLs.